Four Signs That Your House May Need Restumping

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Packing Tips For Home Removals

Hello, my name is Pippa. Welcome to my blog. Earlier this year, we decided to move to a bigger home. Our house was bursting at the seams with three kids and a handful of pets so we decided to move to a bigger property further out of town. To be honest, I didn’t think that the moving process would take much effort on our part, but I forgot just how much stuff we have. I also wanted to make unpacking as smooth as possible so we knew exactly where everything was and weren’t living out of boxes for weeks. While we got some useful packing advice and help from our removalists, my husband and I also put together a packing plan that suited us and the kids. I started this website to jot down some of our ideas and tips — hope it helps you pack effectively for your move!

Four Signs That Your House May Need Restumping

23 November 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Restumping is the process of removing rotten timber stumps under the house and replacing them with new ones. These stumps are there to provide a level surface on uneven ground or to raise the house above flood level. The problem is only likely to get worse, so how do you know when it's time to call in the professionals?

Uneven floors

Although there can be many reasons for a sloping or uneven floor, it can easily be an indicator that your timber stumps have rotted and are no longer supporting the house properly. You can use a spirit level to check if your floor is sloping, or you can just use a marble and see if it rolls along without any help, as you may not notice the problem until it has become severe.

Sticking doors

Another sign that something is wrong is if your doors and windows start to stick or become creaky. Although it may seem that this is a problem with the doors themselves, it can also be due to a sagging floor. This would stop the house from being level and would mean that the door and window frames are no longer plumb and square. This is a very good indicator that there is a problem with your stumps.

Cracks in the wall

Cracks can appear in both the interior and exterior walls and can develop in plaster or brickwork. This can be due to a lack of support under the house so that one side has started sinking and is no longer level and square. Replastering or painting will not fix the underlying problem — the rotten stumps underneath will need to be replaced so that the house is once again properly supported.

Damage and decay

Finally, rotten stumps can cause numerous small problems. Damaged or loose tiles can be caused by slowly sinking walls; you can also find damp problems in the house that have been caused by the same problem that caused the stumps to rot (you should especially be on your guard if you have recently had excessive rain or flooding). Anything that might be due to damaged stumps should be checked out as soon as possible.

Restumping needs specialist skills, knowledge and equipment. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, just get in touch with a professional contractor who will check for damage and carry out the necessary repairs.