Relocation Tips | Moving With Your Pet

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Packing Tips For Home Removals

Hello, my name is Pippa. Welcome to my blog. Earlier this year, we decided to move to a bigger home. Our house was bursting at the seams with three kids and a handful of pets so we decided to move to a bigger property further out of town. To be honest, I didn’t think that the moving process would take much effort on our part, but I forgot just how much stuff we have. I also wanted to make unpacking as smooth as possible so we knew exactly where everything was and weren’t living out of boxes for weeks. While we got some useful packing advice and help from our removalists, my husband and I also put together a packing plan that suited us and the kids. I started this website to jot down some of our ideas and tips — hope it helps you pack effectively for your move!

Relocation Tips | Moving With Your Pet

7 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

Relocating can at times be such a hassle especially if you are moving with your pet. You want to make sure they are safely handled and reach the destination in one piece. If you are planning on moving with your "furry friend", below are some tips on how you can have a smooth removal.

Contact the new home veterinarian

Before moving, it is important to communicate with the veterinary of the state you are moving to. Enquire from them any regulations required for your pet. Though it may seem like pets are allowed everywhere, this is not usually the case. Some states may have specific companion animal policies regarding certain pets. Complying with these rules will help rid you of any unnecessary stops and delays at terminals. Moreover, there also may be certain medical certificates required. This will help you plan for your pet's shots in due time before the move. In addition, the veterinarian could also inform you of any required pet fees, enabling you to budget early enough.

Stick to pet's regular schedule

For a smooth move, you may want to adhere to the pet's regular activity routine even if it may be disrupted by the move. This is because routine disruptions may cause some behavioural changes during the move. Your pet could become uneasy and could even run away. Therefore, it is important to maintain the pet's feeding, exercise and play time as you move. You can do this by planning for relevant stops during your journey, or teaching it a new routine prior to moving.

Prepare a good travel kit

This refers to the collection of your pet's travelling items. Ensure the carrier is more cushioned than usual for maximum comfort. Apart from comfort cushioning, it also protects the pet from injuries that may be caused by severe air bumps or pot holes. For long distances, you may want to have disposable dishes and litter bags. The catch here is to arrive at your new home smelling and feeling good. In addition, you can also add tranquilizers to your list of items. This can help calm the pet down in the case of any sudden change in behaviour.

Track your pet

In case your pet is travelling separately, you may want to equip it with some trackable chip identification. The chip could be fed to the pet or installed on its collar. For a more worry-free move, you can also integrate the tracker with your smartphone, enabling you to monitor your pet throughout the move.